Best Yoga Poses to Deal with Urinary Incontinence

Urinary incontinent is a urological issue that is both devastating to the health and devastating to your reputation. And why won’t it be? It is in fact, a condition where urine leaks out of your body without having your say so! 

Just imagine yourself in some whiteys and he pisses just flows through without any warning! There is nothing more embarrassing than that!
Best Yoga Poses to Deal with Urinary Incontinence

There are two kinds of urinary incontinence: 

  • Stress Incontinence: Stress your pelvic muscles enough and they would strain. As a consequence of strain, the muscles will be weak and a weak pelvis cannot prevent the urine from passing.
  • Urge Incontinence: There are many people in the world with an overactive bladder. However, when this overreaction combines with an involuntary urine leakage, you encounter urge incontinence.  
However, with a proper application of drugs and lifestyle, you can manage it. However, if a permanent solution to this urological Issue you seek, then yoga is your ally. With yoga, you can strengthen your pelvic floor and retake the control of your bladder. 

But how come yoga can help with this issue?

As per the study that was conducted in San Francisco, the purpose of yoga is to strengthen the muscles and if pelvic muscles are strengthened enough, urinary incontinence can be prevented, specifically in women. 

With this study on a mind, let us move on to the best yoga poses that can help you prevent peeing your pants: 

1. The Utkatasana: This is called the chair pose and follows the following instructions to do this:
  • Stand on your feet facing forward
  • Inhale and simultaneously raise your hands while keeping your palms in the front.  
  • Exhale and bend your knees and squat down a bit (when we say a bit, just try to make a right angle between your feet and your hips)
  • This will give your pose an impression of a chair. 
V. While you are doing all this, make sure of the following:
  • Your knees should point straight forward
  • Try not to bend forward and keep your spine as straight as possible. 
VI. Do this for 3 to 6 minutes.

2. The Trikonasana: 
  • Stand with your feet wide apart, just enough to make a triangle.
  • Turn your right foot about 90 degrees.
  • Now, make sure that the center of your right feel makes a right angle with the center of your left heel while they are apart. To pre precise, align the right heel to the center of the arch of your left foot.
  • Exhale and bend your body down from the hips to the right.
  • As you are bending, keep your right hand down on your right foot and your left hand to the sky.
  • Inhale and come back up.
  • Exhale and repeat the steps with the other foot.
  • Rinse and repeat for 4 minutes.
3. The Malasana:
  • Keep your feet wider enough to be a large angled triangle.
  • Tilt your toes to either side.
  • Join your hands in the form of an Indian greeting (Namaste).
  • Squat a bit in a way that your knee is bent outwards.
  • Hold in this position for 30 seconds.
  • Stand back up.
With these three exercises, you can prevent urinary incontinence and other issues related to the urinary tract. If you want to know more about it, get in touch with best urology treatment in India, the actual birthplace of yoga. 

Read more posts: - How Can Yoga Help the Patients and Survivors?

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