Kidneys are the vital body organ that plays a crucial role in removing waste materials from our bloodstream, balancing the fluids in our body, regulating blood pressure and managing the production of urine. According to research conducted it has been proved that kidney diseases are the common condition affecting around 10 % of the world’s Total population. Some of the common causes affecting the kidneys of the person are called diabetes, high blood pressure, smoking, obesity etc. It is imperative for you to identify the ideal foods and beverages that can contribute to boosting your kidney health. To assist you in this regard we have provided a list of top 10 food items that you must consume to keep your kidneys healthy.
The food items listed above are must be included in the renal diet of the people. However, we recommend you to consult the best nephrologist treatment in India before making any extreme shifts in your diet.
- Cauliflower- It a green vegetable rich in vitamin C, vitamin K, and the B vitamin folate. Moreover, they help to provide fiber to the body.
- Blueberries- They are one of the best items to be considered for a kidney diet. As it is very low in kidney diseases causing substances like sodium, phosphorus, and potassium. Moreover, they comprise the antioxidants that protect our body from heart diseases and cancer.
- Egg Whites- Egg whites are fairly a much better choice than egg yolks as egg yolks are high in phosphorus that is not good for our kidneys. Egg whites provide optimum quality of protein required for kidney conditions. Specifically, the patients undergoing the dialysis treatment are highly recommended to include egg whites in their diet.
- Garlic- People who are suffering from kidney condition or at a risk of developing kidney diseases are highly recommended to reduce the amount of sodium intake in diet including added salt. As an alternative to the taste that salt adds to your food, you can add garlic to your food. Garlic is rich in manganese, vitamin C, and vitamin B6.
- Olive Oil- Usually the body of the people suffering from renal diseases finds it hard to make an adequate amount of fats for the body. There are lots of food items that can increase the fats in your body. However, the perfect choice would be olive oil. As olive oil is the great source of monounsaturated fat and is also phosphorous free.
- Bell Peppers- To complete the nutritional requirement of your body you can opt for bell peppers. They are loaded with powerful antioxidant vitamin C but are low in potassium. Moreover, they contain vitamin A that is a good source of improving the condition of the immune system of the body that is damaged in kidney diseases.
- Onion- Apart from garlic, onion also plays a major role in adding flavor to the sodium free food. In addition to this onions are high in vitamin C, vitamin B and prebiotic fibers that can keep your digestive system intact.
- Pineapple- Unlike many other fruits like banana, orange, and kiwi, pineapple is low in potassium content. However, the amount of vitamins, fiber, and manganese in this fruit is very high in this fruit that makes it best-suited item for your diet.
- Cranberries – This is a food item that provides benefit items to both your urinary tract and the kidneys. They consist of the kind of nutrient that prevents the bacteria from sticking to the lining of the urinary tract and bladder and prevents infection.
- Turnips- They can act as the flawless replacement for vegetables like a potato that is rich in potassium. Moreover, they are rich in fiber and nutrients like vitamin C, vitamin B6, manganese, and calcium.
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